Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Miss Universe 2011 alleged fake papers

Crowned less than a week but New Miss Universe Leila Lopes was involved in a scandal. 

This beauty has been a newspaper in Argentina to denounce false papers to enter the Miss Angola held in England in 2010.

According to the newspaper allegations Infobae, Argentina is: "She has been to forge documents to prove that she had been studying in the UK. The end result can join Leila Miss Angola held in England in 2010 on valid ". According to our research, Conditions for participation in the contest Miss Angola, they must live in Britain while Leila had never lived anywhere other than ... Angola.

Evidence given to Leila Lopes was charged with her ​​do not speak English language - Infobae newspaper launched. Leila was the finale judges questioned but she could not answer in English. This raises big question marks, a student at Britain's universities that conduct can not answer in English? 

Currently, New Miss Universe and the organizers did not give any comment on this issue. 

Historic victory of Leila Lopes has done honor to the beautiful people of African descent, but this scandal will make the image of Leila less affected.