The concept of nudity in fashion varies at different levels. For some, it is only to the extent of wearing sleeveless dresses or adorning Capri pants. For some it is about backless dresses orknee length skirts. But then, for some it is about low neck blouses and exposed cleavages. The key however, remains the same. It is all about the level of comfort that a person has with whatever she is wearing; because nudity is not a matter of morality or immorality. It is more of a choice, the choice of living a lifestyle.

It really is demeaning to judge a person by what kind of top she is wearing; whether it be halter neck, strapless, backless whatnot. For some people it can be a sign of sheer desperation but then what can beat the elegance of a beautiful evening gown with a plunging neckline? Showing off cleavage is anything but immoral because it could just be a part of the culture, just as in Africa where there are tribes with women who barely cover their breasts. I don’t think they are being immoral by doing that, its just the way things are.
In all honestly, who knows why a woman wears low cut tops. Maybe she wants attention, maybe she wants to show-off her implants or maybe she was slaving away at the gym for the past winter and wants to flaunt herself or maybe she feels good about herself when she goes home and doesn’t really care what others think or maybe she does really hate herself or maybe …. *insert thousand other ‘maybes’ here*
As long as she’s being true to her ‘real’ inner self, then so be it.
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