Hey guys, I know I haven't blogged much this past week, so I just thought I'd share some things that have kept me away from here.
First off, I've finnished exams! For now at least. They went great and I'm so incredibly relieved that's over with (for now)
I've been reading lots and lots, my head spins sometimes when I can't keep up with all the plots from the different books (hah). I'm finishing
The Millenium Trilogy and might I say that I love it. I was also enthusiastic about the Swedish movie based on the first book.

Lisbeth Salander is by all means my heroine.
I've taken advantge of my free time to catch up on movies and TV shows a lot. My sisters and I love watching The A-Team and Criminal Minds together, while I've also been watching a lot of old movies like Nosferatu, The Innocents, and the FIRST movie ever made, Frankenstien (1910). What I love about old movies is the enthusiasm the people making them had. They were the pioneers of a new and incredible art form, and are just electrifiying.

We've been to two especially beautiful fairs here in the north of Italy, fist the Mostra Mercato Di Bienno, a small mountain town which organizes a fair each year where craftsmen can showcase their work. It happens all through the town, but most of the expos are in small cave-sort of tunnels that dot Bienno.

The other fair is called Festa di Santa Croce and takes place in Montisola, a tinsy winsy island in the Lake of Iseo. From the 14th to the 19th of September, the island is decorated with paper machè flowers, and I'll tell you, it's lovely. Unfortunately, it only takes place once every five years...

Can you believe all those flowers are fake? Wow. I hear it takes a year and a half to get this together, no wonder it's only once every five years.
So, that's been a little part of my life these months I wanted to share with you guys. Thanks for following this blog. Till next post.
Ciao ciao.
Oh by the way, we had homemade sushi for lunch today, you see I have the luck of having a Japanese sister-in-law. Delicious.
P.S. I've finally gotten around to creating a facebook page for my site, so be sure to click the "Like" button! thanks!